Starbucks Ads

Cultural Meanings of Ads
- The second ad: Using of famous stars (e.g.Jessica Alba) in the ad of a specific country (United States), representing the culture there (people regard Jessica Alba as hot, then associating Starbucks with Jessica Alba, i.e. hot
- The fourth ad: An interesting ad, featuring the unique culture in Vietnam, at the same time symbolizing the friendship associated with Starbucks
Social Meanings
- The first ad: Even tired kids choose Starbucks, symbolizing the wide awareness and power of Starbucks coffee
- The third ad: "It's not just coffee. It's Starbucks." It brings out the message of superiority of the Starbucks brand, which people would first think of Starbucks anytime when they are tired and need some coffee
Costa Ads

Cultural Meanings of Ads
- The first ad: An ad from the United Kingdom, using the daily newspaper there, making people to associate Costa coffee with good quality
- The second ad: An ad from Italy, using the famous colosseum in Rome, symbolizing the unique spot in the country Italy
Social Meanings
- The third ad: Simple is sometimes better. The ad simply use the heart shape together with the Costa logo to bring out the message of love, "Love Costa".
- The fourth ad: The ad wants to tell people that indeed " 7 out of 10 people prefer Costa than Starbucks", showing people that Costa is indeed of better quality